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A foundation for success since 1932

Health and Social Care


Health and Social Care equips our pupils to discover the impact of positive and negative human development and to critically analyse how these factors affect our day-to-day lives. The study of Health and Social Care enables pupils to explore (academically and practically) areas that influence us, how we develop through life stages and, in turn, raise expectations of how we can live successful and healthy lives. Pupils learn about the different care-giving services and are encouraged to develop care-values and demonstrate them practically. They also learn how to analyse and evaluate data and use this to plan care provision effectively to improve health and wellbeing.

KS4 – Btec Tech Award - Health and Social Care 

Pupils have an option to choose this course for Year 10 and 11. They will study the Pearson’s BTEC Tech Award (level 1/2). Study of the qualification as part of Key Stage 4 learning will help pupils to make more informed choices for further learning, either generally or in this sector. The choices that pupils can make post-16 will depend on their overall level of attainment and their performance in the qualification, however it does lead toward Level 3 courses in Health and Social Care. This course is taught as a coursework-based subject, with 60% of the course being graded on two piece of coursework, and the final 40% being an exam.

Key themes studied on the course include:

  • Development across life stages
  • Types of support
  • Accessing Health and Social Care services
  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Risk factors
  • Health improvement plans

Personal Development Opportunities

Pupils who complete this course will learn about the Health and Social Care sector and jobs, and how this relates to their everyday lives. The course has strong links with future careers and many pupils are inspired by the different jobs and pathways that lead on from this course. There is also opportunity to observe and interact with other schools and adults who are within the health and social care sector, allowing pupils to develop their experience and knowledge of situations which they may not be used to. Health and Social Care also builds transferable skills and knowledge, such as self-evaluation and research skills, and complements pupils’ studies in other subjects such as biology, RE, English and PSHE.

Details of the following content for the subject of Health and Social Care can be viewed below: