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The Design Technology curriculum aims to provide pupils with a comprehensive understanding of new and emerging technologies, as well as design principles, equipping them with the skills they need for the modern workforce and the digital era. The curriculum focuses on engaging pupils through practical projects that involve solving real-world problems and fostering creativity.

Pupils work with various materials such as timbers, fabrics, plastic, and metals to gain hands-on experience and develop their practical skills. The department is well-equipped with resources for exploring computer-aided design and manufacturing.

The curriculum includes a range of "design and make" projects that enable pupils to apply their knowledge and skills. Through these projects, pupils become resourceful, enterprising, and capable citizens, with a clear understanding of the significant role design technology plays in the creativity, culture, wealth, and wellbeing of nations. Additionally, the curriculum covers the basic principles of how things work, which can serve as a foundation for those interested in pursuing further education in engineering.

Overall, the Design Technology curriculum aims to provide pupils with a solid foundation in design principles, practical skills, and an understanding of emerging technologies, preparing them for the demands of the modern workforce and encouraging their creativity and problem-solving abilities.

KS3 - Design Technology

In the Design Technology curriculum, pupils engage in exploring various aspects of design and technology, fostering their understanding of the world and how innovation shapes it. They are encouraged to think like product designers, engineers, and architects, developing skills and knowledge relevant to these fields.

Pupils participate in designing and manufacturing products using a range of materials, including timbers, plastics, metals, smart materials, and fabrics. This hands-on approach allows them to gain a deeper understanding of material properties and the distinctions between renewable and non-renewable materials. They also learn about Computer-Aided Design and Manufacture (CAD/CAM), which enables them to use technology in the design and manufacturing process.

The curriculum covers the basics of engineering, including concepts related to CAM, forces, stresses, and different types of motion. Pupils also explore sustainability and its relation to the environment, fostering an awareness of the impact of design choices on the world around them.

To inspire and immerse pupils into the world of design and modern architecture, they are exposed to a range of past and present designers. Studying the works of these designers gives insight and inspiration for their own projects.

Overall, the Design Technology curriculum provides pupils with a comprehensive and interdisciplinary learning experience. They develop practical skills, gain knowledge of materials and technologies, understand engineering principles, and are exposed to the works of influential designers. This holistic approach prepares pupils to think critically, solve problems creatively, and contribute to the ever-evolving field of design and technology.

KS4 – Design Technology

In the Design Technology curriculum following the EDUQAS syllabus, the assessment is divided into 50% coursework (NEA) and 50% exam. This approach allows pupils to demonstrate both practical skills and theoretical knowledge.

The coursework component emphasises hands-on practical skills, requiring pupils to identify and solve real-world problems. They are tasked with designing, manufacturing, and evaluating a prototype that meets the needs of a real client. This process incorporates the use of various manufacturing methods that they have been exposed to during Key Stage 3, allowing them to apply and expand their skills.

The curriculum also covers content related to the impact of design on the environment. Pupils learn about sustainable design practices and consider the ecological aspects of their projects. Additionally, the curriculum addresses the importance of creating an inclusive society, encouraging product design that caters to diverse user needs and promotes accessibility.

Furthermore, the curriculum explores the future of Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) in the workforce. Pupils learn about advancements in technology and how they are shaping the design and manufacturing industries. This knowledge prepares pupils for the evolving nature of these fields and introduces them to potential career paths.

With a balance of coursework and exam components, the curriculum allows pupils to showcase their practical skills, problem-solving abilities, and theoretical understanding. It also addresses important contemporary topics, such as environmental sustainability, inclusivity, and the influence of technology, ensuring that pupils develop a well-rounded perspective on design technology.

KS4 – Graphic Design

Pupils follow the NCFE Graphic Design syllabus, the assessment is divided into 60% coursework (NEA) and 40% exam allowing pupils to demonstrate their practical skills and theoretical knowledge in graphic design.

The specification incorporates industry-standard software such as Adobe Creative Cloud, which is widely used in the professional graphic design field. Pupils learn to utilise these software tools effectively, enabling them to create high-quality designs for both print and web mediums. They also learn traditional graphic techniques like calligraphy, adding a traditional artistic element to their work.

Pupils apply their skills and techniques to produce professional publishing content, including brochures, magazines, and websites. They also engage in designing advertising materials such as logos and branding for events, enhancing their understanding of visual communication and marketing principles.

The department's investment in sublimation equipment is a valuable resource for young designers. It allows them to bring their designs to life by transforming them into real products like t-shirts, bags, caps, mugs, packaging, and more. This hands-on experience helps pupils bridge the gap between digital design and physical production, giving them a comprehensive understanding of the design process.

Throughout the curriculum, pupils are encouraged to unleash their creativity and experiment with different design approaches. This fosters an ability to think critically, problem-solve, and develop unique and innovative design solutions.

By combining practical coursework and exam components, the NCFE Graphic Design syllabus provides pupils with a well-rounded education in graphic design. They acquire technical proficiency in industry-standard software, traditional graphic techniques, and the ability to produce professional design materials.

Personal Development Opportunities

At Ribblesdale, the Design Technology department has been fortunate to collaborate with prestigious institutions and organisations, providing pupils with unique opportunities and experiences. A partnership with the Royal Society through their partnership grant scheme has been ongoing for the past three years. This collaboration has allowed pupils to access scientific technology and engage with Royal Society Fellows. It provides a valuable opportunity for pupils to learn from experts in the field and gain insights into cutting-edge scientific advancements.

In addition, the Design Technology department has established a fruitful partnership with the Child Computer Interaction department at UCLAN University. Through this collaboration, pupils have the opportunity to work hands-on with programmable technology. They learn how products can be programmed to respond to external stimuli, fostering their understanding of the intersection between design and technology. The department has also collaborated with Create Education in partnership with BAE. As part of this collaboration, 60 Year 8 pupils have participated in 3D printing workshops, gaining practical experience with this innovative technology. Furthermore, the Design Technology department is set to participate in Create Education's environmental design competition with Year 10 pupils in the future. This competition will provide pupils with a platform to showcase their creativity and design skills while addressing environmental challenges.

These collaborations and partnerships enrich the educational experience of Ribblesdale pupils, exposing them to real-world applications of design technology, connecting them with experts in the field, and providing opportunities for hands-on learning and engagement with emerging technologies.

Details of the following content for the subject of Technology can be viewed below: