My Future Matters
We use extended form time sessions at Ribblesdale to deliver aspects of our personal development curriculum. Every week, pupils participate in an assembly which links to the school’s ‘My Future Matters’ programme. Assemblies are pre-planned and link to school priorities, pertinent safeguarding issues and events such as themed days.
In addition, during KS3, pupils complete work on ‘Character Matters.’ This involves activities, discussions, reading and tasks related to specific character traits such as Communication, Initiative, Resilience and Leadership. Pupils can record their achievements in ‘Character Matters’ via Synergy.
In KS4, form tutors deliver information regarding local post-16 career and training pathways and institutions. Pupils gather local labour market information and employability skills so that they can successfully complete their work experience and mock interview. Through this, pupils can progress on to meaningful and successful post-16 destinations.
Reading is an integral part of all aspects of the learning at Ribblesdale. During Form Time, pupils have a designated ‘reading day’ through which we aim to foster pupils’ love of reading. The school has invested in an online reading scheme called ‘Giglets’ (link) which supports pupils’ reading comprehension.
As part of the form time personal development curriculum, pupils have a designated wellbeing day. We encourage pupils to be proactive in developing strategies to take care of their own wellbeing and that of others so that they can deal with challenges of young adult life.