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A foundation for success since 1932

Our Curriculum

At Ribblesdale we offer a broad and balanced curriculum to all year groups, which is accessible and delivered through great teaching; details can be viewed in our Curriculum Overview document below.

Traditional learning pathways across a range of subjects lead predominantly to a breadth of GCSE courses but with some vocational opportunity. This is further enhanced and complemented by an exciting Enrichment offer, designed to support pupil progress. Character education and development of the whole person is a key theme of our rich and varied curriculum opportunity, alongside academic excellence and superb pastoral support. The structure allows targeted and timely intervention to take place across many aspects of the school curriculum. All young people take part in Enrichment, which encompasses the development of moral, social and British values alongside skills and attributes for the future which include:

  • Teamwork
  • Organisation
  • Leadership
  • Presentation skills
  • Collaboration
  • Independence
  • Self-confidence

The curriculum at Ribblesdale is responsive to the changing needs of our pupils and harnesses technology to enhance and empower learners both in school and beyond our gates.

Local Learning Areas

Select venues in close geographical proximity to the main school site are designated as Local Learning Areas (LLAs). The school will plan visits to venues within our LLA and communicate to parents when these will be taking place. These will be specified visits and activities that are part of the normal curriculum and take place during the normal school day. Vists within the LLAs are defined by the DfE as being covered by the school’s current policies and procedures. Where school deems it desirable, additional risk assessments are in place. 

More information about the curriculum can be found in the individual subject pages.  If you have any further queries please contact us at